Giving New Life to Audio Devices and Systems
Radio Equipment Restoration Services by Meticulous Experts

Your Partner in Restoring Classic Radio Station Hardware
Welcome to the WhitakerAudio website. This page is the hub for a collection of specialized (and we hope interesting) pages and resources relating to classic audio devices, products, and systems. Ranging from 1970s-era radio station hardware to vacuum tube amplifiers, this site provides information and (where available) downloads that can be used by readers.
What started out as a hobby has turned into a business. We would be pleased to discuss your restoration projects. Our specialty is classic radio station gear, from cart machines to transmitters (and just about everything in between). We've also done extensive work on test equipment and vacuum tube amplifier restoration and repair. This no-compromise work is perfect for museums, motion picture set pieces, and serious collectors.
Details on the restoration services available from WhitakerAudio can be found on the Classic Equipment Restoration page (see the menu link). For a tour of the granddaddy of all restoration projects, see the 1970s Radio Studio page.