Back to the Future of Vinyl
The Vinyl Snob studio was the first major radio equipment restoration project undertaken by WhitakerAudio. The Vinyl Snob web site is dedicated to all things vinyl. It includes a treasure trove of podcasts, including Vinyl Snob RADIO. Your tour guide is David Whitaker. Check it out at

Dozens of music podcasts are available. Every episode contains two segments, generally interviews involving some aspect of vinyl and five to six rock and roll songs. The first song will always be an Ultra-Analog release. Dave likes to pick songs that are pretty well-known so the listener has some reference to compare the sonic quality. After the first interview segment is a music break, a song that may be related to one of the segments. To close out the show is the “used record bin,” a selection of two or three songs that have been found perusing the bins at used record stores. There are great deals and finds out there if you have the time to do some finger-surfing.

The centerpiece of the Vinyl Snob studio is the Gates Executive audio console. This is the same console featured in the Executive Audio Console blog on this site.

Check out the Vinyl Snob web site. Lots of good listening to be found (err, I mean heard).
A Personal Note
With great sadness I note the passing of David Whitaker on September 26, 2022, in Eureka, CA. Not just my brother, but also my best friend. David and I shared a love of audio in general, and radio broadcasting in particular. We both started working in radio in Sacramento, CA, while in our teens. The excitement of the radio business continued throughout David’s life (and mine as well).
It was David who got me interested in restoring vintage radio station hardware. The outcome of that hobby can be found all over this web site. I will miss our conversations about the golden days of radio, which for us was the 1970s. Good times for sure.
David worked up until his death, a result of complications from covid-19 and pneumonia. He leaves a legacy in radio and audio production in Sacramento, and many dear friends.
Bless you, David.

David’s first disc jockey job in radio was at KROY-FM in Sacramento. Wile going through boxes of memorabilia after his death, I came upon two airchecks that he did at KROY back in the day. They are classic David in his “Top 40 Boss Radio” persona. Lots of fun. Two the airchecks are listed below.
And the hits just keep on coming…